Key Stage Activities

An expanding assortment of distinct key stage 1 and 2 subjects. Meticulously designed for homeschooling families and primary school educators.

Colección: KS1 English Topics

Are you a primary school teacher or a homeschool parent looking for creative ways to teach English to your young learners? Then you're in luck! In this article, we'll be discussing some exciting English activities that cater to year 1 and year 2 pupils. We'll also explore some 'Tell me a story' and classical poetry topics that can help improve their writing and reading skills.

The English National Curriculum lays the foundation for learning English in primary school, and it's essential that educators and parents have a thorough understanding of it. To help you get started, we've put together a list of fun activities that will not only engage your pupils but also help them develop their writing and reading skills.

For writing skills, try 'Sentence Builder'. This activity involves writing down a series of simple sentences on flashcards and then asking pupils to rearrange them in the correct order to form a coherent paragraph. You can also try 'Picture Prompt', where pupils are given a picture and asked to write a story about it. This activity encourages creativity and imagination and can help improve their storytelling abilities.

To improve reading skills, try 'Alphabet Treasure Hunt'. This activity involves hiding letters of the alphabet around the classroom or home, and pupils have to find them and put them in the correct order. You can also try 'Rhyme Time', where pupils are given a word, and they have to come up with as many words as possible that rhyme with it. This activity helps improve phonics and word recognition skills.

Now, let's move on to some 'Tell me a story' and classical poetry topics. For 'Tell me a story', try 'The Magic Garden'. This topic encourages pupils to use their imagination to create a story about a magical garden. For classical poetry, try 'The Owl and the Pussy-Cat' by Edward Lear. This poem is not only fun and engaging but also helps pupils develop their rhyme and rhythm skills.

In conclusion, these English activities and topics are just a few examples of what you can do to make learning fun and engaging for primary aged pupils. Remember to always be creative, and don't be afraid to try new things. Happy teaching!