Key Stage Activities

An expanding assortment of distinct key stage 1 and 2 subjects. Meticulously designed for homeschooling families and primary school educators.

Colección: KS1 History Topics

Welcome to Hands-On Education, your go-to hub of information for primary school teachers and home educating families! We understand the importance of providing high-quality history resources that are both engaging and informative for young learners. In this article, we will be discussing some fun and exciting activities for Key Stage 1 history lessons, as well as providing some useful resources for teachers and parents alike.

Firstly, our history timeline cards are a fantastic way to introduce children to the key events and figures from different time periods. These cards are easy to use and can be printed out and laminated for use in the classroom or at home. Additionally, our free videos provide an interactive and engaging way for children to learn about historical events and figures, such as Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong.

For teachers looking for lesson plans and activities on specific topics, we have a range of resources available. Our Castles activities are perfect for teaching children about life in medieval times, while our Christopher Columbus activities provide a fun and informative way to learn about the explorer's famous voyage. Additionally, our Neil Armstrong activities and worksheets are a great way to teach children about the first moon landing and the importance of space exploration.

We hope that these resources will be helpful for primary school teachers and home educating families alike. At Hands-On Education, we believe that learning should be fun and engaging, and we strive to provide high-quality resources that reflect this ethos. Thank you for choosing us as your source of information and inspiration for all things history-related!